Saturday, August 30, 2014

Week 1

 Since everyone was here the first day of class, I will give a very quick run-down of the assignments, but keep it light.  Next week will have full photos from in-class as well as detailed instructions.  You can refer to this blog throughout the term.

Above: TWENTY 1-MINUTE warm-ups.

Afterwards we reviewed very basic structures, and how to draw them quickly.  We're keeping in mind shape relationships and movement when we build the human body.  Also, we have to remember to keep the face VERY SIMPLE AND ELEGANT!

General Leg construction; focus more on larger shapes v. anatomy.  We're also pushing the movement and gesture more than what we're really seeing.  The goal is to get an idealized drawing from the live model, not just copy what we see.  Obviously, don't go as cartoony as this: this is over-exaggerated for the sake of the demo.

We followed the review with THREE 3-MINUTE drawings; THREE 2-MINUTE BLIND CONTOURS; and THREE 5-MINUTE SIGHTED CONTOURS.  The drawing on the far right is approximately what we're going for in terms of a short sighted contour drawing:  simple, not overworked (even though the mistakes are corrected and neither erased nor covered up, which is okay for you guys to do), slightly shaded to show a bit of form.  Don't get too carried away with shading; we will talk about how to approach shading for simplicities' sake in the future.

We then completed THREE 7-MINUTE POS./NEG. SHAPE/CONTOUR LINE exercises.
We then spoke of leg and foot shapes, and the relationships between those shapes.

We ended class with THREE 5-MINUTE leg studies; proportion sheet size; quick skeletal-gesture lay-in, focused leg study from hips to feet.

This is the image I put up on my personal blog: