Monday, September 29, 2014

Model Drawing 3, Week 5

Warm-up gesture drawings include: five 2-minute bikini figures, three 3-minute figures in a robe, and five 3-minute figures in a cape.

We also drew one quick figure with kimono sleeves:

Student work:

We then spoke about different topics, specifically puddles, cowls, and feathers.  I drew numerous demos of puddles and lectured about using the perspective of the model stand to assist in drawing the puddle of any particular garment.  It helps to have an idea of a horizon line and 2 vanishing points to make puddles feel as though they are laying directly onto the ground plane.

We then moved on to cowls.  Different materials produce different cowls.  Stiffer materials or materials with a lot of body produce larger and fewer cowls, whilst slinkier or thinner materials produce a greater number of smaller cowls. 

Cowls tend to repeat a little "cup" shape over and over; these little "cup" shapes have 3 defining planes:  the bottom of the "cup", the lip, and the inside.  These cups tend to spoon each other, creating a cowl.

We drew two 7-minute cowl studies with scraps of charmeuse and chiffon.  I drew profile views, in which the "cup" shapes become more apparent.

We ended class with different strategies for laying in and drawing feather boas.  I suggested using a variety of pencil widths and edges to create the illusion of different textures, as well as laying in "spaghetti noodles" to plan not only the location of the boa, but the desired width - and therefore length- of the feathers.

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